Friday 3rd – Monday 6th May
A weekend of music, dance and community spirit is set to return to town later this year!
Burnley Live, which was first held in 2023, is back from Friday 3rd to Monday 6th May and will feature performances from local singers and bands across a range of town centre venues.
Last year’s event saw hundreds descend on Burnley for fun, entertainment and show-stopping sounds, and now we’re aiming to make it even bigger and better for 2024!
Over the coming weeks and months we will be revealing more details about the event and who is taking part right here on the Burnley Live event hub, so make sure you keep checking in for the latest information.
For now, pencil the dates in your diary and we look forward to seeing you in May!
Burnley Live | 4th-5th May 2024 | Music, Dance and Community (discoverburnley.co.uk)