Presented by Burnley Pantomime Society
Renowned for their high-quality shows, the award-winning Burnley Pantomime Society are set to thrill audiences once again with one of the most popular tales ever told. Packed with comedy, great music, stunning scenery, wonderful costumes, heroes, villains, audience participation and all the excitement that only pantomime can provide. Set to be the hottest tickets in town! Script by: Ben Croker Directed by: Neil Tranmer and Kevin Kay Dancers from: Lynn McCheyne of Sandersons Dance & Fitness Centre Tickets: £14 / £12 Concessions Friday 12th 7pm – Saturday 13th 12pm & 4.30pm – Sunday 14th 12pm & 4.30pm – Friday 19th 7pm – Saturady 20th 2pm & 7pm – Sunday 21st 12pm & 4.30pm